It's almost a little surreal to think about, I can still remember my mother sitting us down to tell us she was pregnant with him. We were going to have a "baby" in the house. I can remember always wanting to be the one to go up to his nursery after he had waken from his naps, and he would be the happiest little thing in the world. I also have some of the funniest memories from my childhood with Anthony. For example one that my girlfriend Rebecca and I talked about this past weekend. We were babysitting Anthony at the time, and we were in 8th grade and neither one of us could drive, BUT we wanted to go pick up a pizza anyways. So, we decided that we would take my dad's work truck and just put Anthony right in the middle of us with NO carseat, just buckled at age 3 or 4. What in the HECK were we thinking.... yeah we weren't, and sorry Anthony that was just one of the bad babysitting skills I had back then...hahah.
In the mean time, I graduated high school moved off to the DFW area, and never really got to "grow up" with him.
I realized some things when Anthony and I got to have some fun and do his senior portraits... only 3 more years until you'll be a broke college student who can drink and your big sister can take you out for drinks! No but really, I want you to know that I love you unconditionally, and I know that we haven't been the closest over the last few years, but that's just because I'm all over the place, as you know. :) But really, I want you to know that I'm SO proud of you for growing into the young man that are you. These next few years you are going to find yourself, and the only advice I want to give you as your big and free spirited sister is this....Live life to the absolute fullest. Love yourself more than anything and keep God and your faith close at all times. Be genuine and sweet to others, and never expect too much from anyone, you will only be let down. Oh and be HAPPY, girls love a happy guy! :) And if you EVER need anything in the world, you know that I'm just a phone call away.
Now go have the BEST of times in college, and remember to have fun but do well! I love you little Tony Bob!
Oh my gosh....tears are falling from my eyes right now as I type this! Melissa, those pictures are sooo good!! Anthony, WOW! Look at you all grown up and such a handsome young man. I can't believe these are your Senior Pictures and you are headed off to college soon. I love you so much and I'm so proud of you! XXOO
Mel -These are terrific! I've said it before, but, your soul is captured in your subjects. not just because you're related to this handsome guy (ME too!) but, I'm beginning to understand what you must see through that lens(es).
So proud for both of you!
These look amazing Mel!!! I love them all. Thank you so much for taking the time to do these for me! It was actually quite easy for me and fun to spend some time with my big sis. I love you tons!!! Thanks again.
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