Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Unique Bride

Meet Amber!

From the minute we met to discuss her upcoming wedding, she had told me that she had waited her whole life for her bridal portraits, it was going to be like playing dress-up with all the ideas she had in mind. I instantly knew I was going to love photographing her!

The day of her bridals, I met her in her town of Boerne, TX, where she is also getting married at the end of February at the "Ye Kendall Inn". It was my first time in Boerne, and I instantly fell in love with the charming little town.

Amber and I had a nice foggy wet day to work with, and it was absolutely perfect for the eerie and dramatic look that she loves!

I look forward to her wedding next month, so stay tuned for more!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Precious Little Cousins

These two little cutie pies are cousins and they just had the opportunity to meet each other for the first time, Felicity was visiting Addision all the way from Pennsylvania. ;)

I absolutely adore these two little ones, watching Felicity observe Addison during the shoot was precious. Although this may have been one of my harder shoots, because neither one of them could sit up, I still had a blast playing with the different lighting and just watching them.

I look forward to doing my next shoot with them when they get to be a bit older. We'll be seeing Addison this spring for her 6-month-old portraits in a few months!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A trip to the Hill Country

My husband and I took a ride to Pedernales Falls in Johnson City this weekend. The weather was beautiful, a perfect 65 degrees with a nice over cast. Needless to say that we enjoyed the day outside with a nice picnic and taking photos together. On our way home as the sun was going down, we pulled over at this place below and decided to have some fun with the self-timer. I feel so lucky to have a husband/best friend who enjoys photography as much as I do!