My friend Amanda got married on Friday, November 28th, at the Hills of Lakeway. I was so lucky to be a part of Amanda and her husband Scott's big day! Here is a sneak preview of their wedding day. Cheers to an amazing life together you two!
Addison Kate is a little piece of heaven, she truly makes my heart melt. Little Addie was born on October 1st and is the daughter of my friends Katie and Derek. I can't wait to photograph her next portrait session in January with her little cousin Felicity who is only 2 months older than her. They will be meeting for the first time!
I have to say how lucky I am to be "Aunt Mel" to my awesome nephew Aidan. He is my little pal, and I adore him. In the past, photographing him has ALWAYS been a handful, but so fun. He is almost 3 years old, and he is starting to talk so well, and he is just a joy to be around! Last weekends photo session was a blast, he could not have been any more happy. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing nephew and god child in my life. I love him to pieces. And look forward to documenting him for the rest of my life :) and eventually with my little ones too! :)
Well. . . as we are FINALLY coming to the end of a summer that seemed to have disappeared before we all knew it, I wanted to finally announce that the new "fotobooth" business is finally here!
Jason and I are super excited to see where the next few years of business takes us! Please send out our new website to anyone and everyone! "Fotobooth" is a fun and unique way to document a wedding, event, or any special occasion or party!
I wanted to thank all my friends and fam that came out to our mini party last weekend to help us get our website launched. We had such a fun time together.